Former NFL Star and Founder of VESSOL Mo Massaquoi Visits LTI for Team Event
LTI to be Featured on Viewpoint with Dennis Quaid
LTI Hosts Successful FCSI Summit, Showcasing Educational Commitment
LTI Demonstrates Commitment to Community as Part of #NAFEMFightingHunger Initiative
LTI Participates in School Nutrition Association’s Annual National Conference (SNA ANC) in Denver
LTI Helps to Build a Better Future for Clayton County’s Youth Through Career and Education Events
NAFEM 2023 Success for LTI
LTI Participates in Hands-On Pathways Expo (HOPE) at Atlanta Technical College
Team LTI Supports Mundy’s Mill Middle School with Back-to-School Supplies
LTI Sponsors Future of Serving in K-12 Symposium
Why You Should Attend Our Next FSCI Education Session