LTI has been a longtime supporter of Foodservice Consultants Society International (FCSI) and its mission…
LTI Sponsors Future of Serving in K-12 Symposium

LTI was very pleased to be one of the sponsors of The Future of Serving in K-12 Symposium hosted in Jacksonville, Florida February 11 and 12, 2020. The program was designed to educate and engage foodservice professionals in all aspects of servery and dining room design and renovation. Participants learned firsthand how a system of multiple schools in Duval County, Florida created more efficient, productive and appealing restaurant-like environments for students and staff. The first day, the group of more than 55 toured four schools – three of which had recently been renovated. The forth was in need of updating, and would be the focal point of a group project on the final day of the program.
Several industry experts discussed their experiences, ranging from what to expect from architects and consultants to challenges and lessons learned during the renovation process. Director of Dining Services at University of Massachusetts-Amherst, Garett Distefano, shared incredible insight on changing trends and how to prepare high school students for their next step. UMass has been recognized as #1 for Best Campus Food in the United States for the 4th consecutive year by The Princeton Review. In the final group project, attendees were tasked with collaborating to create a renovation proposal for a school they’d visited and presented their plan to their peers. This fostered great conversation and idea sharing amongst the crowd.
The event was presented by NMD School Food Service Consulting, and other sponsors included AmTab, Versa-Gard and Vision Builders.