Yulee High School

In an effort to increase participation and give students a more upscale collegiate feel Lauren Jones, Food Service Director knew the only way to achieve that vision was a major renovation of the existing space. Previously the space was a fairly standard layout with five serving lines.
This is the first renovation to the building that was built in 2006. The old equipment was a mix up of unrelated pieces with all prep done in the back of the house. The end game was to offer more fresh food and food made to order. The old configuration of the space and the lines did not lend itself to the new vision.
In an effort to match what is seen outside of school in food courts and to be more like colleges Lauren visited with directors in several other districts and in two states. This lead her to an understanding of the process of renovation as well as the types of layouts, equipment, counters and décor that was available, all to ensure that the new space was “less institutional” then the previous.